EV/EBITDA Screener | Find Undervalued Stocks
Our EV/EBITDA Screener scans the market to find awesome, growing stocks. Screen updated daily!EV/EBITDA Stock Screener
EV/EBITDA is a ratio commonly used by investors to determine the value of a company.
It is calculated by dividing a company’s Enterprise Value by it’s Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA). The EV/EBITDA ratio is often used by value investors to identify undervalued stocks.
There are many advantages to using the EV/EBITDA ratio to analyze a company’s value. It is often compared to other valuation ratios, primarily the Price to Earnings (P/E) ratio.
However, many investors view the EV/EBITDA ratio as a better value metric for several reasons, including:
- EBITDA is generally accepted to be a better measure of cash flow than net earnings,
- EV/EBITDA is typically less volatile than the P/E ratio,
- It is less impacted by different depreciation rates (resulting in better comparability), and
- It usually excludes one-off and non-cash items.
For these reasons, screening for stocks with low EV/EBITDA ratios is a great way to identify undervalued companies.
We’ve developed our EV/EBITDA screener to identify awesome, growing stocks that are trading at low EV/EBITDA multiples.
Using the DiscoverCI Stock Screener, we scan for stocks daily that meet the following criteria:
- TTM EBITDA Growth Over 10%,
- Debt to Equity Ratio Less Than 75%,
- TTM ROIC Greater Than or Equal to 10%, and
- EV/EBITDA Less Than 8.
Below is over 135 stocks meeting the above criteria. The list is sorted by market capitalization from high to low.
We update this list daily. Last updated: September 8th, 2024