Tools For Faster, Better Stock Valuation

DiscoverCI’s valuation models, historical data, and quick input forms enable you to simplify the process of valuing a stock.

DiscoverCI Stock Valuation Software
  • Projections built from historical performance and analyst expectations
  • Model selection based on key company characteristics
  • Input form to quickly stress-test and update valuation assumptions
  • Quickly compare stock price to intrinsic value
  • Proven valuation techniques and methods used by today’s most successful investors

Are you tired of constantly managing and updating valuation models...

We were too. So we bundled up the Excel Workbooks, Data, and Dashboards to create the DiscoverCI Valuation Tool. Never spend hours searching for data, updating models, or investing without a valuation again.

Let's win in the stock market, together.

Know the Value of a Stock Before You Buy

A Complete Stock Valuation Software that Makes Calculating, Updating, and Stress-Testing Your Valuation Easier Than Ever

Never use an outdated model

Financial Statement Analysis

A valuation model is only as good as it’s inputs. As the saying goes… “garbage in, garbage out.” Our models use standardized financial statement data from company SEC filings. We calculate trailing twelve month figures, so our models continuously update on a quarterly basis.

DiscoverCI Software Screenshot - Financial Statement Analysis
Don’t let pre-existing bias impact your analysis

An Algorithm-Based Approach

Eliminate the risk of building a model that fits your desired outcome. Our algorithm analyzes a company’s historical financial statements, analyst projections, and current trends to develop inputs that feed into the model that are free from bias.

DiscoverCI Software Screenshot - Micron(MU) Sector Comparison Table
Get a clear view of future cash flows

Analyze and Interpret Results

Spot trends and opportunities in model results. Transparency is part of every great valuation model. Summarized results include the data, inputs, and outputs used in the model. Charts, tables, and narratives make it easy to interpret valuation results.

DiscoverCI Software Screenshot - Amazon (AMZN) FCFF Projections Chart

Automated Stock Valuation

Hundreds of data points and calculations are used in our models. React quickly and confidently to market changes, and seamlessly update model assumptions

Model Inputs

Quickly change the key assumptions used in the model to stress-test and update the valuation.


DiscoverCI analyzes risk-free rates, capital ratios, interest coverage ratios, and risk-premiums to calculate the WACC used within our models.

Growth Rate

Our model evaluates a mix of historical results and analyst projections to arrive at an expected growth rate.

Reinvestment Rate

What will it cost the Company to grow at the projected rate? Our algorithm calculates the cost of growth using historical and industry-specific data.

Adjusted Outlook

GAAP earnings only tell part of the story. We adjust for non-cash and non-operating transactions to provide a better picture of free cash flow generated by the business.

Price vs Value

Compare model results to real-time company stock price. Reveal margin of safety between valuation based results and market pricing.

Go Beyond The Valuation

DiscoverCI’s stock analysis software doesn’t stop when your stock valuation ends. Access key financial ratios, investment checklists, advanced charting tools, and use our customizable stock screener.

Are You Ready?

Upgrade to Pro!
30-day money back guarantee. Cancel anytime.
DiscoverCI Software Screenshot - Marriott Intrinsic Value

© 2021 DiscoverCI

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