Tools to find undervalued stocks, monitor your investments and grow your portfolio

DiscoverCI's stock research, valuation and analysis tools enable you to find, analyze, and track your investments like a pro.

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What you can do with DiscoverCI

Our innovative company intelligence solutions empower investors to make better decisions:

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  • Custom stock screener with over 100 unique metrics
  • Quickly find stocks valued below their peers
  • Benchmark potential investments against their competitors
  • Filter and sort companies your way
Value Stock Screener

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Get standardized financial data from SEC Filings dating back to 2007.


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SEC Filings

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Financial Ratios

Access financial ratios and graphs to monitor key company trends.


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Automated Stock Valuation Tools
  • Select key performance indicators to chart and analyze
  • Compare multiple companies side-by-side
  • Access to 100's of company fundamentals
  • Historical operating metrics from 2007


Access Historical Financial Statements

Say goodbye to searching through SEC Filings for the data you want. Get reported financial data from company SEC Filings back to 2007.

Enhance your fundamental equity analysis

Access financial ratios and key performance indicators for over 10,000 stocks, including Market Cap, Gross Margin, Total Revenues, and EBITDA.

Data visualization built for financial analysis

Select from hundreds of company metrics to chart and analyze. Spot trends, unlock insights and more efficiently evaluate company and stock performance.

Act with Confidence

Take action

Better data means better decisions. Evaluate and benchmark companies with a clear view of key metrics.

Stay ahead of your competition

It pays to be the smartest one in the room. Access key company contacts, social media sentiment, and company details.

Pre-Screened Stock Lists

Undervalued Mid Cap Stocks [Updated Daily]

Looking to find undervalued mid-cap stocks to buy in 2024? Here's a list of middle market companies with strong growth and stability.
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Stock Screener | Revenue Growth Over 20%

Use the Revenue Growth Screener to find awesome, growing stocks to add to your portfolio in 2024. Screen updated daily!
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The 25 Best Healthcare Dividend Stocks For 2024

Looking for the best healthcare dividend stocks? Here's a list of the 25 awesome dividend paying healthcare stocks with strong fundamentals in 2024…
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